Why our Kinesiology Tape Dispenser Works

We know that people have busy lives, and feel that kinesiology tape is the perfect way to support the body when you need to keep moving. This means people will be applying tape on the go, especially if they suffer an injury at the gym before work, or suddenly get back pain in the middle of the afternoon.
Kinesiology tape is the perfect on the go accessory giving you instant support when you need it most. It is a first aid kit essential and just as important as carrying paracetamol and plasters. But if you were to keep some strips of tape in the bottom of your bag you run The risk of them getting damaged and therefore not being as effective. So we have come up with the perfect solution.
Tape Dispenser Roll
Our Kinesiology sports tape is supplied in a stylish roller dispenser which protects your tape from any damage. It’s the perfect size to fit in a handbag or gym bag and keeps your tape looking like new until it is needed.
You do not have to worry about the tape unravelling, as it stays securely in the dispenser until you need it. So no matter when you need to apply your kinesiology tape it is ready to go
Pre-cut Strips
You will also find that there are pre-cut strips on the dispenser, and these already have the corners neatly rounded ready for use. This means that you don’t necessarily need to carry scissors and it is even more versatile.
The Perfect Application
Remember that in order to get the most perfect application from your tape you need to wash and dry the area, ensure that it is free from any hair and preferably use a degreasing agent like surgical spirit. However if you are on the go and just need to temporarily type your knee then you can make the best application under the circumstances and renew it later when you have time to take more care and attention.
Applying the tape “stretched” to muscles can increase stability, assist muscle contraction and improve joint mo0on.
Our glue is medical grade and latex free, it is applied in a wave pattern making it porus enabling your skin to sweat and breathe
The adhesive is heat activated. To activate, simply rub with your fingers to create friction. The medical-grade adhesive makes Kinesiology Sports
Tape suitable for up to five days wear, a marked contrast to standard athletic strapping tape, which is not made to be worn for long.
Standard strapping tape typically greatly restricts movement, as it's wrapped ultra-tight for the sole purpose of limiting activity in the part of the body it is applied to.
When worn, kinesiology tape feels light, and mimics the thickness and flexibility of human skin, and possesses an elastic stretch of between 40-70% of its resting length.
The cocon fibre used in Kinesiology Sports Tape has water resistant properties.It’s able to let evaporation occur so it can dry quickly. Because of this, it can be worn in the shower or swimming pool without the need to constantly reapply.