Cutting Techniques for Maximum Benefit

It's essential to properly prepare KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, if you want to maximise its therapeutic benefits and encourage optimum results.
One of the most essential stages of prepara0on is to ensure you cut and prepare the tape in the correct manner, so you can apply it to specific parts of the body and treat the various conditions effectively.
This is the most commonly used type of strip and is applied to many parts of the body to treat a number of different ailments.
The I-Strip is one long, continuous piece of tape that has no cuts dividing it into parts. Although this tape is not dissected, you still need to ensure the corners are nicely rounded and must remember to anchor with no stretch.
How long you will need your I-Strip to be will vary greatly, depending on the length of the muscle you are attempting to treat.
Usually I-Strips between 6" and 10" long will be used in most cases. You may need up to 4 pieces of tape, if you are treating large surface areas and bigger muscles, to get the most out of treatment.
The Y Shaped strip is a piece of tape that has one long vertical cut dissecting it, that runs up to the middle sec0on of the strip.
This type of taping style is mostly used to support weakened, torn, or damaged muscles, to reset joints and tendons, and to strengthen tissues and ligaments. Y shaped strips can also be applied to areas of scarring, as they can have a circulation boosting and decompressing effect on the toughened tissue, which will aid in the dissolution of raised keloid scars.
When using the Y Shape method, a variety of different degrees of stretch will be required, depending on the condi0on you are treating. Tape anchors should never be applied with any stretch and corners must always be rounded off.
The Fan Strip is normally applied in order to decrease swelling or decompress a contusion that has formed and can be used on both small, and larger areas of the body.
This style of taping is achieved by crisscrossing I-Strips, and a more potent effect can be gained when repeating this multiple times.
You should always aim to treat the entire affected area with fan strips to get the maximum benefit out of this taping method, and should never apply fan strips with any stretch.
Corners should always be rounded off with scissors, and anchors applied, also with a 0% stretch.